This weekend, we went down to Statesboro and Savannah to celebrate Mara's (Andrew's oldest little sister) 21st birthday! We had a blast the entire weekend, but for some reason I only pulled my camera out at one point... I've got to get better at that
(or get a better camera!). We got to Statesboro on Saturday night and hung out for a little bit before heading out to the bars with the birthday girl. It was a great time and I wish I had remembered my camera because there was some funny stuff going on... our last stop had us finishing off a Bachelorette party cake which was SO YUM! Anyway, Saturday morning
(or afternoon) we crawled out of bed and headed down to Savannah. The weather was perfect and
(aside from getting bird-pooped on! that bird is lucky it missed my drink and got me instead!) it was a great day! We wandered up and down River Street for a while (with pit-stops at various bars), stopped and ate at Tubby's Tavern, walked some more (more pit-stops), and then settled in at Tubby's Tavern on the balcony overlooking the river. Great view, great company, who could ask for more?
The Birthday Girl!

The Ray Kids... Anna, Mara and Andrew

The Ray Kids plus one

The Ray Family plus Natali, Mara and Anna's Roommate

Mara with her Mom and Dad

Andrew and me

Birthday shot

Happy 21st Birthday, Mara! We had a wonderful time celebrating with you!
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